Cat Spaying

Spaying not only prevents unwanted pregnancies, but it can also reduce sexual stress and prevent hormonal disorders and behavioral problems. Cats are seasonal breeders, so they are in heat especially from spring to summer. A cat’s estrus is hard to tell because they don’t have estrous bleeding or “periods” like a dog does. At PetLife, the ovaries and uterus are completely removed, and the patient is hospitalized for one night.

What are the signs of estrus?

  • Vocalizing
  • Rolling on the floor
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Begging to go outside
  • Urine spraying
  • Raising hind end in the air

What diseases can be prevented?

  • Ovarian and uterine tumors
  • Pyometra
  • Mammary gland tumors (90% of cats are reported to have malignant tumors. The preventive effect changes depending on the timing of contraceptive surgery: 6 months old, 7 to 12 months old, and over 1 year old, the preventive effects are 91%, 86% and 11%, respectively.)

When should I spay my cat?

At PetLife, we start contraception from the age of 6 months, which is the age of sexual maturity. Cats ovulate with mating stimulation, not regularly, and if successful mating does not occur, a heat cycle may last for 7-10 days and recur at 15-21 days intervals. An unmated female can cycle every 3-4 weeks indefinitely! Although not ideal, a cat can be spayed during her heat cycle and there is technically no timing that must be avoided for surgery. We recommend sterilization between 6 months and 1 year of age to increase the preventive effect against mammary gland tumors.


What is included in the cost of spaying?

Blood test on the day of surgery, X-ray examination, intravenous drip, surgery fee, hospitalization fee, post-operative body suit (in some cases a cone)

*Please contact us as the cost varies depending on the weight of your cat.


What is the flow of surgery?

Dinner by 21:00 the day before. No snacks after this but it’s OK to drink water.

On the day around 7:00, refrain from giving water

9:30 Visit the clinic without feeding your cat breakfast. (check-in)

Blood test, X-ray exam, IV drip



Pick-up the next day during consultation hours

Wound check and suture removal after 10 to 14 days.


After surgery…?

For the next 2-3 days, your pet may be quieter than usual, but that’s okay, please let them rest at home. Please feed your cat as usual. After the surgery, please keep the post operative body suit on until the stitches are removed. It’s important not to allow your pet to lick or get the affected area wet.


Is it easy to gain weight after surgery?

In addition to the fact that a cat’s growth rate begins to slow around the time they are ready for surgery, your pet may be more likely to gain weight due to the impact of spaying on your cat’s metabolism, which affects how much food they eat. Within 2 days of the procedure, your cat’s appetite may increase by up to 20%! This means your cat’s daily calorie intake must be managed carefully post surgery, and as kitten food is very high in calories, switching to adult cat food or a low calorie post-neuter product is a good idea.